Friday, May 7, 2010

Chapter 7: The Plan (teaser)

I turned back around and proceeded down the hallway. I pushed through the doorway, parting the blanket that obstructed the door, and glanced around the room for Marcus. “Marcus, are you in here?”

He poked his head out from around the large boiler. “Yeah, I’m over here.” I stepped toward the boiler, stopping when I stood beside him. He was on his knees, fumbling through archaic parts piled in an old crate, but paused when he saw me next to him. “Everything alright?”

I sighed. “Yeah, everything’s fine. I just…do you remember when you told me if I needed anything to come find you?”

He nodded. “Of course.”

“Well,” I started, biting my lip. “I need your help.”

He immediately stood up. “Tell me what you need me to do.”  There was no delay, just a simple, sincere response.