Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Chancing Fate Chapter 6 Teaser

Bella was fucking with my head in ways I couldn’t understand, and it was beyond frustrating because I had parts of me warring with each other over whatever the hell this was that was going on inside me now. I was rubbing all up on her face with mine, nearly kissing her because I couldn’t seem to control myself around her. I could blame my dick for that, because my dick really seemed to like her even when I didn’t, but that was affection I didn’t give anyone, and that had me twisted up inside. I didn’t do affection.

I was trying to tell myself it was simply about getting in her pants, that it wasn’t anything more than that because I didn’t give a damn about her. The thing was, I’d desired other girls before, but it had never been this intense, and I had never had to deal with feeling something other than just wanting to stick my dick in them. Maybe if I just fucked the hell out of her like I had them, conquered her in the way I needed to, I’d be able to move on and not feel so restrained by her.

The fact that she was able to affect me at all highly pissed me off. I put up walls, barricaded my emotions so I wouldn’t feel any kind of attachment to anyone. I didn’t need that shit, I didn’t need to feel for anyone again, but she was making me fucking feel. It was all these things, wrapping me up, coiling around me, and it was suffocating the hell out of me.

I hated her and wanted her at the same time. But this want, it was driving me crazy insane. I’d never wanted like this before. I wanted to use her body in ways she couldn’t even dream up, fuck the pain right out of our hearts, but for some reason I couldn’t figure out, I didn’t want to just fuck her, I wanted to consume her. She made me feel so goddamn primal that all I wanted to do was mark every part of her, inside and out, to the point that no matter how hard she tried to forget, I’d always be inside her fucking head like she was mine. Feeling any of this shit, it was not okay, and I just wanted to get away from her.

I reached Paula’s office, knocking loudly against the metal door. She had to fix this and she had to do it now, because working directly with Bella was not going to fucking happen any longer.

She opened the door, eyes narrowing as soon as she realized it was me. I was in the mood for her shit even less than normal right now, but I’d deal with it if she’d put Bella with someone else, preferably on the other side of the store where I couldn’t see her.

She chomped her gum, staring at me as if I were a fucking bug she wanted to squash.

The feeling is mutual, bitch, I thought.

I knew she hated me more than anyone else, I knew I was an asshole, but I didn’t try to hide that shit. It was who I was, who I needed to be. Paula was a kiss ass to the owners, acting all kind and like she gave a damn in their presence, but that bitch’s multiple personality came out when they weren’t around.

When she finally spoke, her tone matched her icy stare. “What do you want, Edward?”

“I got a problem I need fixed,” I said curtly.

She smiled smugly, like knowing I had a problem was the highlight of her fucking existence. “And what exactly is this problem you need fixed, Edward?”

“Bella,” I answered.